首页 -- 精彩范文 -- 精彩范文 -- 航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C49)
control stick 操纵杆
control superstructure 驾驶桥楼上层建筑
control switch 控制开关
control switch 控制开关主令开关
control system 调节系统
control system 控制系统
control table 控制台
control tape 程控带
control theory 控制理论
control tide station 潮汐主要观测站
control tower 控制塔
control tower 了望台
control transfer instruction 可控转移指令
control transformer 控制变压器
control unit 控制装置
control valve actuator 阀控传动机构
control valve plug 控制阀室
control valve 操纵阀
control valve 控制阀
control wheel 操纵手轮
control 控制
control 控制;管理;操纵;支配;调整
control-rod-drive motor 控制棒驱动电动机
control-surface actuator 操纵面传动装置
control-surface area 操纵面面积
control-surface flutter 操纵面颤振
control-synchro transformer 控制同步变压器
controllability test 操纵性试验
controllability 可控制性
controllable capacity pump 变量泵
controllable function 控制功能
controllable passive tank stabilization system 可控被动水舱式减摇装置
controllable phase compensation compound excited system 可控相位补偿复励系统
controllable pitch propeller control box 可调螺距螺旋桨控制箱
controllable pitch propeller control system 可调螺距螺旋桨控制系统
controllable pitch propeller gear 可调螺距螺旋桨控制机构
controllable pitch propeller hub 可调螺距螺旋桨桨毂
controllable pitch propeller oil pump 可调螺距螺旋桨油泵
controllable pitch propeller transmission 可调螺距螺旋桨传动pitch propeller unit可调螺距螺旋桨装置
controllable pitch propeller 调距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可变螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可变螺距螺旋桨可调螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可调螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch propeller 可控螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch proper 可变螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch screw 可调螺距螺旋桨
controllable pitch thruster 可调螺距推力器
controllable pitch 可变螺距
controllable pitch 可变螺距可调螺距
controllable pitch 可调螺距
controllable reversible pitch 可变逆距螺旋桨
controllable reversible pitch 可调可逆转螺距
controllable self-excited constant voltage device 可控自励恒压装置
controllable silicon 可控硅
controllable slip coupling 可控滑动联轴器
controllable transducer 可控饱和电抗器
controllable 可控的
controllable 可控制的
controlled atmosphere 受控大气
controlled avalanche rectifier 可控雪崩整流器
controlled carrier bill 控制承运人单
controlled carrier modulation 可控载波调制
controlled circulation boiler 强制循环式锅炉
controlled combustion 可控燃烧
controlled condition system 条件控制系统
controlled direct current generator 可控直流发电机
controlled feedback 控制反馈
controlled flap 可控襟翼
controlled hydrofoil 可控水翼
controlled item 控制项目
controlled member 控制对象
controlled object 被控对象
controlled parameter 被调参数
controlled parameter 调节参数
controlled plant 被控对象
controlled plate conductance 跨导
controlled radial steering gear 可调径向操舵仪
controlled radial steering 可调径向操舵装置
controlled radial steering 可控转动式舵机
controlled reactor 可控反应堆可调电抗器
controlled rectifier 可控整流器
controlled single-way channel 单行控制航道
controlled speed 控制航速
controlled splash lubrication system 喷溅润滑控制系统
controlled superheat boiler 可调过热蒸汽锅炉
controlled swirl scavenging 可控涡流清洗
controlled system with self-regulation 自调式控制系统
controlled system 受控系统
controlled tank venting system 控制的通风系统
controlled variable 被控变量
controlled variable 可控变量
controlled ventilation 可调通风窗
controlled 受控制的
controlled-buoyancy system 浮力控制系统
controller action 调节器作用
controller adjustment 控制器调整
controller conventional design 控制器常规设计
controller lag 调节器滞后
controller merchant cruiser 改装巡洋舰
controller regulator 自动控制器
controller response 控制器响应特性
controller 掣链器;控制器
controller 掣链器控制器
controller 管理员
controller 控制器
controlling box 控制箱
controlling couple 控制力偶
controlling decompression 控制减压
controlling depth 可航最小水深
controlling depth 限制深度
controlling device 控制设备
controlling device 控制装置
controlling equipment 控制设备
controlling field 控制场
controlling gear 控制装置
controlling handle 控制手柄
controlling hold 重点舱
controlling influence 控制效应
controlling lamp 控制信号灯
controlling machine 控制机
controlling magnet 控制磁铁
controlling means 控制方法控制设备
controlling means 控制设备
controlling moment 控制力矩
controlling operator 主控操作员
controlling quantity 控制量
controlling room 控制室
controlling system 控制系统
controlling unit 控制装置
controlling valu 控制值
controlling valve 控制阀
controlling 控制的
controllor 管理员
controls 控制器
controlsurface 操纵面
controversy 争论
controversy 争议
contuse 捣碎;撞伤
convalescent leave 疗养假
Convas Container 集装袋
convection 对流
convection circuit breaker 对流式断路器
convection cooling 对流冷却
convection current 对流对流电流
convection heate 对流加热器
convection heating 对流加热
convection losses 对流损失
convection superheater 对流过热器
convection type heater 对流式加热器
convection type superheater 对流式过热器
convection type 对流式
convection wavelength 对流波长
convection 传递
convection 对流
convectional air regenerator 对流式空气再生装置
convectional circulation 对流性环流
convective heat exchange 对流换热
convective heat transfer 对流传热
Convective Transport 对流运输
convective zone 对流层
convective 传送的
convector heating 对流机取暖设备
convector 对流器
convector 对流式放热器
convenience 方便
convenient speed 适宜航速
convenient speed 适宜速度
convenient 便利的
convent 女修道院
convention Concerning Seaman's Article of Agreement 海员协议条款公约
Convention Concerning the Free Navigation of the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河自由航行公约
Convention Concerning the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Maritime War 海战时中立国权利和义务的公约
Convention Contracts of International Sale of Goods 《国际货物出售合同公约》
Convention for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of Geneva Convention 日内瓦公约诸原则适用于海战的公约
convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air 统一国际航空运输若干规则的公约
convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Maritime Mortgages and Lieas 统一海事抵押权和留置权若干规则的公约
convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Immunit of State-owned Vessels 统一国有船舶豁免若干规则的公约
Convention of Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic 国际便利海上运输公约
Convention of the International Maritme Organization 国际海事组织公约
convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences 班轮公会行动守则公约
convention on Fa on Limitation of Liability of Maritime Claims海事索赔责任限制公约
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Sea 捕鱼及养护公海生物资源公约
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 海事索赔责任限制公约
Convention on Maritime Mortgages and Liens 《海上抵押权和留置权公约》
Convention on Maritime Mortgages and Liens 海上抵押权和留置权公约
Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land Sources 防止陆源物质污染海洋公约
Convention on the Applicable Law to Product Liability 关于产品责任法律适用的公约
Convention on the Continental Shelf 大陆架公约
convention on the High Sea 公海公约
Convention on the High Seas 《公海公约》公海公约
Convention on the High Seas 公海公约
Convention on the Immunity of State-owned Vessel 《国有船舶豁免权公约》
Convention on the Immunity of State-owned Vessel 国有船舶豁免权公约
convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization 1976 1976 年国际海事卫星组织公约
Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports 1923年国际海港制度公约
Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports 《国际海港制度公约》1923年国际海港制度公约
Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports 国际海港制度公约
convention on the International Regulation for Preventing Collisions at Sea 国际海上避碰规则公约
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 《国际海上避碰规则公约》国际海上避碰规则公约
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 国际海上避碰规则公约
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contract for the International Sales of Goods 国际货物销售合同法律适用公约
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods 国际货物销售时效期限公约
convention on the Prevention of Maritime Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters 防止倾倒废物或其他物质污染海洋公约
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 承认及执行外国仲裁裁决的公约
Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone 领海及毗连区公约
convention on the Territorial Sea and the Continuous Zone 领海及毗连区域公约
convention Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carrige of Nuclear Material 核材料海上运输民事责任公约
Convention Relative to Certain Restrictions on the Exercise of the Right of Capture in Maritime War 海战中限制行使捕获权公约
Convention Relative to the Conversion of Merchant Ships to Warships 商船改装为军舰公约
Convention Relative to the Opening of Hostilities 关于战争开始的公约
convention 公约
Convention 公约协约
convention 会议;协定公约;约定;习俗
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